Sea Of Thieves Game Free Download For PC Full Version

Sea of Thieves PC
Sea of Thieves is an upcoming action-adventure video game developed by Rare and published by Microsoft Studios for Microsoft Windows and Xbox One, set for release in 2017.
The game is purported to have elements of first-person gameplay and features user-generated content, in which players have the ability to craft their custom stories by using in-game tools. The game will feature co-op gameplay, and is set in an open world multiplayer environment.
The crew are below deck when the battle starts. Unbeknown to them, another galleon has drawn up alongside and is now pummelling their ship with cannon fire. They know they should race up and into their battle positions, they know this is the only way to defend their craft. But there’s a problem. They’re all drunk. And besides, this accordion rendition of Ride of the Valkyries isn’t going to finish itself.
Welcome to Sea of Thieves, a multiplayer pirate yarn that lead designer Mike Chapman brilliantly describes as a “shared world adventure game” … or SWAG. Players take to their ships, form crews with their friends, and then head out onto the vast open ocean, searching for treasure-stuffed islands. There will be sea monsters to face, and a variety of journey quests to discover, some quick, some epic in scope. But there is no over-arching narrative; just a world to ransack.
It is also an inhabited world. The action takes place in shared servers so your crew will, once in a while, spot a ship occupied by other gamers. As in emergent open-world titles like DayZ, you’ll then need to make a decision: are they likely to be friendly? Is there a chance you could co-operate on an adventure, or do they look aggressive? All the ships in the game are highly customisable, both in terms of looks (interchangeable flags and figureheads) and abilities, with upgradeable cannons, hull style and sail size. So if one of your crew looks through a telescope and sees that the other craft is flying the Jolly Rodger and has a skeleton painted on its main sail, you know that someone should be ready to operate the guns.


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